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The college is chartered by the state of Maryland and governed by the board of trustees, 由九名社区成员和一名拥有完全投票权的学生成员组成(见代码教育文章), 秒. 16-101至16-103).

学院校长出席会议,担任财务秘书,是无投票权的成员. 州长在得到州参议院的建议和同意后任命社区成员,任期四年. The chair is elected by the board of trustees.



椅子. Appointed summer 2022; reappointed 2024; vice chair 2023-2024.

Chien’s career spans over 35 years in biomedicine. 她的工作包括在美国国立卫生研究院和学术机构的公共服务, 在商业部门担任行政级别的法律顾问,并在知识产权领域教授法律学生. Chien is licensed to practice before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and Colorado State Bar. She is active in her community, 在安纳波利斯规划和分区上诉委员会任职,并向医疗机构的病人和工作人员提供经认证的动物辅助疗法.

Chien earned a Bachelor of Science in biology from Mount Holyoke College, 她在爱因斯坦医学院获得分子免疫学硕士和博士学位, and her law degree from the University of Denver.

电子邮件: boardchair@consumer-group.com 

A. 乔伊斯Price-Jones

Image of BOT member, 乔伊斯Price-Jones

副主席. 2021年春季任命

Price-Jones在消费信贷和抵押贷款行业拥有超过20年的州和联邦政府监管经验. 她于2017年从货币监理署退休,担任企业风险管理专家. 她之前的专业经验包括担任联邦存款保险公司的合规分析师, 他是花旗集团的合规官,也是马里兰州劳工部财务检查部门的主管, Licensing and Regulation Division of Financial Regulation.

Price-Jones earned her Master of Human Services from Lincoln University. 她活跃于社区,曾担任多个社区组织的领导职务. She was president for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., 十一德尔塔欧米茄章, and was the founder and former director of the Financial Literacy Program, a community outreach ministry of Rooted Bible Fellowship Church. 她还担任了包括哈福德社区学院(Harford 社区 College)董事会在内的多个董事会成员, Open Doors Career Center of Harford County, 埃奇伍德高中金融学院和马里兰州社会服务部顾问委员会.



Appointed fall 2023; reappointed 2024

沙赫巴兹乔杜里 has over 20 years of experience in information technology, business development and human resources in private, federal and local 政府. He is an active volunteer in the community, particularly supporting youth education and economic development. 乔杜里拥有计算机科学学士学位,并获得了工商管理硕士学位,专注于可持续商业.

桑德拉·E. 摩尔

校董会 member Sandra 摩尔

2015年聘任. 椅子 2020-2023, vice chair, 2017-2018; 2018-2019; 2019-2020

摩尔是巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯医院医学影像学院的主任. 她曾担任约翰霍普金斯大学放射学项目主任和最全菠菜网院放射学项目的临床协调员. 她也是放射技术联合审查委员会的现场访问者,并担任顾问. 摩尔协调放射技术专家的继续教育计划,并经常在该领域发表演讲. 她也是美国伦琴射线协会咨询小组的国家主席,负责放射技术专家的继续教育. 

摩尔在弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯的乔治梅森大学获得教育学学士学位.她获得了约翰霍普金斯医院的放射学证书,同时也获得了乳房x光检查的认证. 她拥有马里兰大学圣母分校的领导教学硕士学位. 


Headshot of 詹妮弗Pastrone


Pastrone is the executive director of Seeds 4 Success, 这是一家位于安纳波利斯的非营利机构, 为儿童和青少年提供从学前班到大学和职业生涯的课后辅导项目. 她在南安妮阿伦德尔县生活了13年,并在安妮阿伦德尔县幼儿保育工作组任职.  
Pastrone brings over 20 years of experience in education and nonprofit management. 以前, she held leadership roles at KIPP DC Public Schools, including campus director of student support and vice principal. She also served as director of education at Horton's Kids, Inc., overseeing after-school tutoring for children in Washington, D.C. Pastrone持有Lehigh University的人类学学士学位和教育学硕士学位. 


Headshot of 罗克珊娜·罗德里格斯


Rodriguez is the co-founder of Caliente Grill, 这家餐厅以其正宗的拉丁体验和重要的社区参与而闻名. Caliente Grill是首批参与“喂养安妮·阿伦德尔”倡议的餐厅之一, resulting in the distribution of more than 9,000 meals during the pandemic. 
罗德里格斯热衷于社区服务,并致力于为拉丁裔社区提供志愿服务和倡导超过25年, 学校及机构. 她在社区领袖中倡导文化多样性和包容性,并赞助了安纳波利斯地区的第一次西班牙裔商业会议. She also serves on the Board of Leadership Anne Arundel. Rodriguez also enjoys walking with her dog, traveling and spending time with her family. 

JaCina Stanton-Buttrom先生.

Image of BOT member, Jacina Stanton-Buttrom.


JaCina Stanton-Buttrom是一名律师,她一直积极参与社区活动. 她毕业于克拉克亚特兰大大学和匹兹堡大学法学院.

终身的狂热读者, Stanton-Buttrom helped found a literacy project that served Baltimore city schools.

She has advocated for voting rights initiatives for the past 15 years. Stanton-Buttrom is a former adjunct faculty member for AACC's Adult Education Program. She works in the field of employee relations and has published various articles on race, 妇女问题和法律.

Anelle R. Tumminello

Headshot of BOT member Anelle R. Tumminello


Tumminello is a retired teacher/administrator, writer and presenter. 她开发了内容, training and assessment programs for school systems, 政府, 公司, juvenile facilities and private/nonprofit organizations. Her career spans 35 states and Washington, D.C., 5,000名全日制学生, pre-K through graduate school, with ad hoc audiences numbering 8,000 +媒体.

Tumminello supervised Anne Arundel County Public Schools' English for 10 years, 写作课程, 评估, 教育哲学, manuals and programs; led Governors’ Academies for six years and served as college board consultant for 21 years. 她毕业于Baltimore City Public Schools,拥有Johns Hopkins University的理学硕士学位和Bennington College的美术硕士学位. She is also a lifelong learner at AACC.

劳伦斯W. Ulvila小.

校董会 member Lawrence Ulvila

Appointed 2016; reappointed 2022; chair, 2017-2020, 2023-2024; vice chair, 2022-2023

Ulvila is founder of Insurance Solutions. He earned his associate degree from Miami Dade College, and Bachelor of Science in business administration from the University of South Florida.

乌尔维拉是安妮·阿伦德尔医疗中心(AAMC)麦克新心理健康运动领导委员会主席,也是AACC基金会董事会的前任主席, AAMC基金会董事会, Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce, AAMC Outreach Council on Mental Illness and Alcohol/Substance Use, and The 21st Century Education Foundation. His more recent awards include Leadership Anne Arundel Distinguished Graduate Award, Maryland Association of Health Underwriters Person of the Year, Anne Arundel County Good Scout Award, Anne Arundel Chamber of Commerce Business Leader of the Year, inducted into the Chambers’ Hall of Fame, and the Chamber’s Lifetime Achievement Award.



Headshot of BOT student member 德文·凯勒.


Keller is studying information assurance and cybersecurity at AACC. 他曾在美国服役.S. Army for eight years, as a service team leader, supervisor and diesel mechanic. 在他任职期间, he developed and honed his leadership and organization skills, tactfully communicated directives, built relationships and effectively managed teams and projects. 凯勒在AACC运用了这些技能,他目前担任黑人男性研究所的导师. 他致力于在董事会中倡导和代表学生的声音.


  • 罗伯特J. DiAiso 1998
  • 牧师. Dr. 黛安·迪克森-普罗克特,2022年
  • 亚瑟·维. Ebersberger 2017
  • 基因E. 弗洛伊德(已故),2009年
  • T. 苏·格拉德希尔,2008年
  • 沃尔特·J. 厅,2021
  • 艾琳E. 纽豪斯(已故),1991
  • 唐纳德·C. 罗恩,米.D., 2006


Our president is here to help.

Dr. 黎明林赛


Badge indicating AACC Board a 2019-2020 John W. 内逊奖得主



2024 - 2025年计划

周二,9月. 10, 2024, 4 p.m.
周二,10月. 8, 2024, 4 p.m.
周二,11月. 12, 2024, 4 p.m.
周二,12月. 10, 2024, 4 p.m.
周二,1月. 14, 2025, 4 p.m.
星期四,2月. 13, 2025, 8:30 a.m.
星期二,2月. 25, 2025, 4 p.m.

2024 - 2025年议程

2024 - 2025分钟



每年春天,学院都会为校董会的学生成员征集申请. Applicants are interviewed by a committee of students and staff. The committee recommends the candidate to the AACC president, who sends the candidate's name to the governor's office for appointment.